Almas Hospital

Endocrinology & Diabetology

Almas Hospital's Endocrinology & Diabetology Department stands dedicated to providing exceptional care for individuals with hormonal imbalances and diabetes. Their esteemed team comprises seasoned endocrinologists, diabetologists, nurses, and allied health professionals like dietitians and podiatrists. This collaborative approach ensures patients receive in-depth consultations, tailored treatment plans, and ongoing support.

Through comprehensive diagnostic testing, they identify the root cause of hormonal or diabetic conditions. Treatment plans are then meticulously crafted, incorporating medication management, personalized dietary guidance, and potentially insulin therapy.

The department emphasizes patient education, empowering individuals to manage their condition effectively. Advanced technologies and support groups further enhance the patient experience. Ultimately, Almas Hospital's Endocrinology & Diabetology Department goes beyond treatment, striving for long-term management and optimal health outcomes for each patient.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q. What is Endocrinology?

Endocrinology is a branch of medicine focused on the endocrine system, which consists of glands that produce hormones regulating various bodily functions like growth, metabolism, reproduction, and mood. Endocrinologists diagnose and treat hormone imbalances arising from conditions like thyroid disorders, pituitary tumors, and Cushing's syndrome.

Q. What is Diabetology?

Diabetology is a subspecialty within endocrinology specifically dedicated to diabetes management. Diabetologists possess in-depth knowledge of all diabetes types (1 & 2, gestational), and their expertise lies in:

  • Implementing insulin therapy and medication adjustments.
  • Providing dietary guidance for optimal blood sugar control.
  • Educating patients on self-management techniques.
  • Monitoring long-term complications associated with diabetes.

Q. When should I see an endocrinologist?

Consulting an endocrinologist is recommended if you experience persistent symptoms suggestive of hormonal imbalance, such as those mentioned above. Additionally, individuals with a family history of certain endocrine disorders or those experiencing rapid physical changes (especially during puberty) might benefit from an evaluation.

Q. How is diabetes treated?

Diet: Following a diabetic meal plan created by a registered dietitian to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Lifestyle modifications: Engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress, and maintaining a healthy weight.
Medications: Depending on the type and severity of diabetes, medications like oral hypoglycemics or insulin might be prescribed.
Blood sugar monitoring: Regularly monitoring blood sugar levels at home using a glucometer is crucial for effective diabetes management.

Our Doctors

Our Distinguished Team of Caring Physicians

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Dr. Vishnupriya A.R

Consultant  Endocrinology