Almas Hospital
About Us
Almas Hospital is the most modern private hospital in Kottakkal with the world’s best treatment, personalized service, and state-of-the-art facilities. We are now one of the state's major health providers, offering a broad variety of specialty medical, surgical, and mental health treatments, as well as rehabilitation, critical care, outpatient, and community programs.
Almas Hospital was built with love by its founders in 2002, who desire to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity where people can recover from their illness and start enjoying life again.
Our doctors are well-experienced, highly skilled, and talented. They use advanced technology in diagnosing patients, and then they recommend the best course of treatment according to each case. A group of qualified staff members works alongside our doctors to provide the best possible service to our patients. All patients are provided with accommodation in the hospital’s comfortable and cosy rooms, which are designed to create a homely atmosphere and fully meet the requirements of modern standards.
You can trust us because we are not only focused on high-tech equipment and competent staff – our main priority is patient safety. We also follow the guidelines set by the country's leading experts in the field, and that's why our patients receive proper treatment and rehabilitation.

Almas is a multi-specialty hospital. Our team of professionals at Almas provides world-class treatment and care in the speciality areas of public health, orthopaedics, neurology, surgery, cardiology, gynaecology, and general medicine. We are devoted to and enthusiastic about your health and well-being, and we will be there for you every step of the way. Our team of specialists uses the most up-to-date diagnostics and treatment to provide superior care for patient’s health, from screening to surgical treatments, patients are cared for in outstanding facilities and are backed with cutting-edge imaging and robotic technology when it comes to surgery.
Delivering Best Healthcare in Kerala
Exceptional health care is built on a foundation of inclusion, compassion, and respect for our patients and each other. This is how we provide the best care possible. All your healthcare requirements will be well managed within Kerala thanks to the vast range of specialty departments, competence, and abilities among the medical professionals at Almas. Every member of our team believes in the comprehensive treatment of each patient, which involves improvement of mental, physical, and emotional health. Patients of Almas can rest assured that we deliver a level of quality and depth of service that no one else can match.
Our Mission
To provide advanced and quality healthcare services accessible to the public, we are committed to delivering compassionate and value-based care. In pursuit of our mission, we aim to promote healthcare awareness among the public, engage in clinical research, and facilitate the education of healthcare professionals. With the overarching goal of evolving into a quaternary-level hospital, our commitment extends to serving both domestic and international patients..
നൂതനവും ഗുണമേന്മയുള്ള ആരോഗ്യ സേവനങ്ങൾ നൽകി, അനുകമ്പയോടും മൂല്യബോധത്തോടും കൂടി രോഗികളെ പരിചരിക്കുക, ആരോഗ്യ സംരക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ മികച്ച അവബോധം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക, ആരോഗ്യ സംരക്ഷണ പ്രൊഫഷണലുകളുടെ ക്ലിനിക്കൽ ഗവേഷണവും വിദ്യാഭ്യാസവും പ്രോത്സാഹിപ്പിക്കുക, ഒരു ക്വാട്ടർണറിതലത്തിലുള്ള ആശുപത്രിയായി വികസിക്കുക, പ്രാദേശിക ആഗോള രോഗികൾക്ക് സേവനം നൽകുക എന്നതാണ് ഞങ്ങളുടെ ദൗത്യം.
Our Vision
To provide our patients with world class health care services at an affordable cost, promote health care awareness, engage in healthcare education, and evolve as a quaternary care centre.
ലോകോത്തര നിലവാരമുള്ള ചികിത്സ മിതമായ നിരക്കിൽ രോഗികൾക്കു നൽകുകയും ആരോഗ്യപരമായ അറിവുകൾക്കും വിദ്യാഭ്യാസത്തിനും മുൻതൂക്കം കൊടുക്കുകയും വിപുലമായ ആരോഗ്യ ചികിത്സ കേന്ദ്രമായി ഉയരുകയും ചെയ്യുക എന്നതാണ് ഞങ്ങളുടെ സ്ഥായിയായലക്ഷ്യം.